Templeton, A.S., Ellison E.T., Glombitza, C., Morono, Y., Rempfert, K.R., Hoehler, T.M., Zeigler, S.D., Spear, J.R., Kraus, E., Nothaft, D.B., Fones, E.S., Munro-Ehrlich, M., Boyd, E.B., Mayhew, L.E., Cardace, D., Matter, J., Kelemen, P.K., and the Oman Drilling Project Science Party, 2021. Accessing the subsurface biosphere within rocks undergoing active low-temperature serpentinization in the Samail Ophiolite (Oman Drilling Project). Journal of Geophysical Research, Biogeosciences, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JG006315
Nothaft, D.B., Templeton, A.S., Rhim, J.H., Wang, D.T., Labidi, J., Miller, H.M., Boyd, E.S., Matter, J.M., Ono, S., Young, E.D., Kopf, S.H., Kelemen, P., Conrad, M.E., Fierer, N., The Oman Drilling Project Science Team, 2021a. Geochemical, biological and clumped isotopologue evidence for substantial methane production under carbon limitation in serpentinites of the Samail Ophiolite, Oman. Journal of Geophysical Research, Biogeosciences, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JG006025
Nothaft, D.B., Templeton, A.S., Boyd, E.S., Matter, J.M., Stute, M., Van Keuren, A.N.P., and the Oman Drilling Project Science Team, 2021b. Aqueous geochemical and microbial variation across discrete depth intervals in a peridotite aquifer assessed using a packer system in the Samail Ophiolite, Oman. Journal of Geophysical Research, Biogeosciences, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JG006319
Ellison, E.T., Templeton, A.S., Mayhew, L.E., Ziegler, S.D., Kelemen, P.B., Matter, J.M., and the Oman Drilling Project Phase II Science Party, 2021. Low-temperature hydrogen formation during aqueous alteration of serpentinized peridotite in the Samail ophiolite. Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JB021981
Hinz, I.L., Nims, C., Theuer, S., Templeton, A.S., Johnson, J.E., 2021. Ferric iron triggers greenalite formation in simulated Archean seawater. Geology, DOI: 10.1130/G48495.1
Glombitza, C., Putnam, L.I., Rempfert, K.R., Kubo, M.D., Schrenk, M.O., Templeton, A.S., Hoehler, T.M., 2021, Active microbial sulfate reduction in serpentinizing fluids of the continental subsurface. Communications Earth and Environment,/https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-021-00157-z
Nims, C., Lafond, J., Alleon, J., Templeton, A.S., Cosmidis, J., 2021, Preservation of organic biomorphs through silicification: questioning the early microfossil record. Geology, https://doi.org/10.1130/G48152.1
Kraus, E.A., Stamps, B.W., Nothaft, D.B., Rempfert, K.R., Ellison, E., Matter, J.M., Templeton, A.S., Boyd, E.S., Spear, J.R., 2021, Molecular evidence for an active microbial methane cycle in subsurface serpentinite-hosted groundwaters in the Samail Ophiolite. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, doi: 10.1128/AEM.02068-20
Trivedi, C.B., Stamps, B.W., Lau, G.E., Grasby, S.E., Templeton, A.S., Spear, J.R., 2020, Metagenomic insights into microbial metabolisms of a sulfur-influenced glacial ecosystem. mSystems doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00504-20
Ellison, E.T., Mayhew, L.E., Miller, H.M., Templeton, A.S., 2020, Quantitative microscale Fe redox imaging by multiple energy X-ray fluorescence mapping at the Fe K pre-edge. American Mineralogist, https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2020-7359.
Fones, E.M., Colman, D.R., Kraus, E.A., Stepanauskas, S., Templeton, A.S., Spear, J.R., Boyd, E.S., 2020, Diversification of methanogens into hyperalkaline serpentinizing environments through adaptations to minimize oxidant limitation. ISME journal, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-020-00838-1.
Scicchitano, M.R., Spicuzza, M.J., Ellison, E.T., Tuschel, D., Templeton, A.S., Valley, J.W., 2020, In situ oxygen isotope determination of serpentine minerals by ion microprobe: matrix effects and new insights on serpentinization in hole BA1B (Samail Ophiolite, Oman). Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, https://doi.org/10.1111/ggr.12359.
McCollom, T.M., Klein, F., Moskowitz, B., Berquo, T., Bach, W. and Templeton, A.S., 2020, Hydrogen generation and iron partitioning during experimental serpentinization of olivine-pyroxene mixtures (Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 282, p. 55-76. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2020.05.016Templeton, A.S., and Ellison, E.T., 2020, Formation and loss of metastable brucite: does Fe(II)-brucite support microbial activity in serpentinizing ecosystems? Phil Trans R. Soc A v. 378: 20180423. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2018.0423
Boyd, E.S., Amenabar, M.J., Poudel, S., and Templeton, A.S., 2020, Bioenergetic constraints on the origin of autotrophic metabolism. Phil Trans R. Soc A v. 378: 20190151. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2019.0151.
Fones, E.M., Coleman, D.R., Kraus, E.A., Nothaft, D.B., Poudel, S., Rempfert, K.R., Fox, N.R., Spear, J.S., Templeton, A.S., and Boyd, E.S., Physiological adaptations to serpentiniziation in the Samail Ophiolite, Oman (International Society of Microbial Ecology, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-019-0391-2.
Zeyen, N., Benzerara, K., Menguy, N., Brest, J., Templeton, A.S., Webb, S.M., Gerard, E., Moreira, D., Lopez-Garcia, P., Tavera, Rosaluz, Morin, G., 2019, Fe-bearing phases in modern lacustrine microbialites from Mexico. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2019.03.021
Cosmidis, J., Nims, C., Diercks, D., and Templeton, A.S., 2019, Sulfur organomineralization: a new S(0) formation mechanism. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, v. 247, 59-82. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2018.12.025
Miller, H.M., Chaudhry, N., Conrad, M.E., Bill, M., Kopf, S. and Templeton, A.S., 2018, Large carbon isotope variability during alkaline methanogenesis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 237, p. 18-31. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2018.06.007
Johnson, J.E., Muhling, J.R., Cosmidis, J., Rasmussen, B., and Templeton, A.S., 2018, Low Fe(III) greenalite was a primary precipitate from Neoarchean Oceans. Geophysical Research Letters v45, https://doi.org/10.1002/2017GL076311
Mayhew, L.E., Ellison, E.T., Miller, H.M., Kelemen, P.K., and Templeton, A.S., 2018, Iron transformations during low-temperature alteration of serpentinized rocks from the Samail Ophiolite, Oman. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 222, p. 704-728. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2017.11.023
Miller, H.M., Mayhew, L.E., Kelemen, P.K., Ellison, E., Kubo, M. and Templeton, A.S.,2017, Low temperature hydrogen production during hydration of partially-serpentinized peridotite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2017.04.022
Sudek, L.A., Wanger, G., Templeton, A.S., Staudigel, H., and Tebo, B.M., 2017, Basaltic glass colonization by the heterotrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing and Siderophore-producing deep sea bacteria Pseudomonas stutzeri VS-10: the potential role of basalt in enhancing growth. Frontiers in Extreme Microbiologyhttps://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2017.00363
Rempfert, K., Miller, H.M., Matter, J.M., Kelemen, P., Fierer, N., Templeton, A.S., 2017, Geochemicaland Hydrologic Controls on Subsurface Microbial Life in the Samail Ophiolite, Oman. Frontiers in Extreme Microbiologyhttps://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2017.00056
Lau, G.E., Cosmidis, J., Grasby, S.E., Trivedi, C.B., Spear, J.R., and Templeton, A.S.,2017, Low-temperature formation and stabilization of rare allotropes of cyclooctasulfur (β-S8and γ-S8) in the presence of organic carbon at a sulfur-rich glacial site in the Canadian High Arctic. Geochimica et Cosmochimca Acta v. 200, p. 217-231. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2016.11.036
Miller, H.M., Matter, J.M., Kelemen, P.K., Ellison, E., Conrad, M., Tominaga, M. and Templeton, A.S, 2017. Methane origin in the Samail ophiolite: Reply to comment on ‘‘Modern water/rock reactions in Oman hyperalkaline peridotite aquifers and implications for microbial habitability”. Geochimica et Cosmochimca Acta, v. 197, p.471-473.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2016.11.011
Cosmidis, J. and Templeton, A.S., 2016, Self-assembly of biomorphic C/S microstructures in sulfidic environments. Nature Communications, article 12812, doi:10.1038/ncomms12812
Miller, H.M., Matter, J.M., Kelemen, P.K., Ellison, E., Conrad, M., Tominaga, M. and Templeton, A.S, 2016, Modern water/rock reactions in Oman hyperalkaline serpentine aquifers and implications for microbial habitability. Geochimica et Cosmochimca Acta, v. 179, p. 217-241,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2016.01.033
McCollom, T.M., Klein, F., Robbins, M., Moskowitz, B., Berquo, T., Jons, N., Hoehler, T., Bach, W. and Templeton, A.S., 2016, Temperature trends for reaction rates, hydrogen generation and partitioning of iron during experimental serpentinzation of olivine. Geochimica et Cosmochimca Actav. 181, p. 175-200. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2016.03.002
Mayhew, L.E., Lau, G.E., and Templeton, A.S.,2016, Distinct geochemistries of water-basalt-Fe0reactions in the presence versus absence of CO2-driven microbial methanogenesis. Chemical Geology v. 428, p. 92-105. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.02.028
Templeton, A.S.& Benzerara, K., 2015, Emerging frontiers in Geomicrobiology. Elementsv.11, 423-429.
Mayhew, L.E., Ellison, E., McCollom, T.M., Trainor, T.P., and Templeton, A.S., 2013, Hydrogen production during low temperature water-rock reactions. Nature Geoscience, v.6, p. 478-484.
Knowles, E.J., Staudigel, H., and Templeton, A.S., 2013, Geochemical characterization of putative biosignatures in subseafloor basalt glass. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 34, p. 239-250.
Wright, K.E., Williamson, C., Grasby, S.E., Spear, J.S., and Templeton, A.S.,2013, Metagenomic evidence for sulfur lithotrophy by Epsilonproteobacteria as the major energy source for primary productivity in a sub-aerial arctic glacial deposit, Borup Fiord Pass. Frontiers in Extreme Microbiology, v4, Article 63.
Knowles, E.J., Wirth, R., Templeton, A.S., 2012, A comparative analysis of potential biosignatures in basalt glass by FIB-TEM, Chemical Geology, v. 330-1, p. 165-175.
Toner, B., Berquo, T., Michel, M., Templeton, A.S., Sorenson, J.V., and Edwards, K.J., 2012, Mineralogy of iron microbial mats from Loihi Seamount. Frontiers in Biological Chemistry, v. 3, p. 1-18.
Fliegel, D., Knowles, E., Wirth, R., Staudigel, H., Templeton, A.S.,and Furnes, H., 2012, Charac-terization of alteration textures in Cretaceous oceanic crust (pillow lava) from the N-Atlantic (DSDP hole 418) by spatially resolved spectroscopy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Actav. 96, p. 80-93.
Gleeson, D.F., Pappalardo, R.T., Anderson, M.S., Grasby, S.E., Wright, K.E. and Templeton, A.S., 2012, Life detection at an Arctic analog to Europa. Astrobiology Journalv. 12, p. 135-150.
Swanner, E.D., and Templeton, A.S., 2011,Potential for nitrogen fixation and nitrification in the granite-hosted subsurface at Henderson Mine, CO. Frontiers in Extreme Microbiology2:254.
Mayhew, L.E., Webb, S.M., and Templeton, A.S., 2011, Microscale imaging and identification of Fe speciation and distribution during fluid-mineral interactions under highly reducing conditions. Environmental Science and Technology, v. 45, p. 4468-4472.
Swanner, E.D., Nell, R., and Templeton, A.S., 2011, Ralstonia species mediate Fe-oxidation in circumneutral, metal-rich subsurface fluids of Henderson Mine, CO. Chemical Geology, v. 284, p. 339-350.
Gleeson,D.F., Williamson C.H.D., Grasby S.E., Spear J.R., Pappalardo R.T.,Templeton A.S., 2011, Low temperature S0 biomineralization at a supraglacial spring system in the Canadian High Arctic, Geobiology Journal,v. 9, p. 360-375.
Templeton, A.S., Geomicrobiology of Fe in extreme environments, 2011, Elements,v. 7, p. 95-100.
Templeton, A.S.,Knowles, E.J., Eldridge, D.L., Arey, B.W., Dohnalkova, A., Webb, S.M., Bailey, B.E., Tebo, B.M., Staudigel, H.S., 2009, A seafloor microbial biome hosted within incipient ferromanganese crusts. Nature Geoscience, v.2, p. 872-876.
Sudek, L., Templeton, A.S., Staudigel, H., Tebo, B.M., 2009, Microbial ecology of Fe-rich mats & basaltic rock from Vailulu’u Seamount, American Samoa. Geomicrobiology Journal, v. 26, p. 581-596.
Bailey, B., Templeton, A.S., Staudigel, H., Tebo, B.M., 2009, Utilization of substrate components during basaltic glass colonization by Pseudomonas& Shewanellaisolates. Geomicrobiology Journal, v. 26, p. 648-656.
Connell, L., Templeton, A.S., Barrett, A., Staudigel, H., 2009, Diversity of fungi associated with an active deep-sea volcano. Geomicrobiology journal,v. 26, p. 597-605.
Homann, V., Tincu, A., Templeton, A.S., Tebo, B.M., Butler, A., 2009, Loihichelins A-F, a Suite of amphiphilic siderophores produced by the marine bacterium HalomonasLOB-5. Journal of Natural Products,v. 72, p. 884-888.
Templeton, A., and Knowles, E., 2009, (Peer-Invited-Review) Microbial transformations of minerals and metals: recent advances in Geomicrobiology derived from synchrotron-based x-ray spectroscopy and x-ray microscopy. Annual Reviews in Earth and Planetary Sciences,v. 37, p. 367-391.
Mayhew, L.E., Swanner, E.D., Martin, A.P., Templeton, A.S., 2008, Phylogenetic relationships and functional genes: distribution of a Mn-oxidizing gene (mnxG)in Bacillus sp.. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, v. 74, p. 7265-7271.
Staudigel, H., Furnes, H., McLoughlin, N., Banerjee, N., Connell, L., Templeton, A., 2008, 3.5 Billion years of glass bioalteration: volcanic rocks as a basis for microbial life? Earth Science Reviews,v. 89, p. 156-178.
Sahl, J., Schmidt, R., Swanner, E., Mandernack, K., Templeton, A., Kieft, T., Smith, R., Mitton, J., 2008, Subsurface microbial diversity in deep granitic fracture water, Colorado, USA. Applied and Environmental Microbiology,v.74, p. 143.
Templeton, A.S., Chu, K.H., Alvarez-Cohen, L., Conrad, M.E., 2006, Metabolic controls on the carbon isotope fractionations expressed by methane-oxidizing bacteria. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,v. 70, p.1739-1752. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2005.12.002
Staudigel, H., Hart, S., Pile, A., Bailey, B. Baker, E., Brooke, S., Connelly, D.P., Haucke, L., German, C., Hudson, I., Jones, D., Koppers, A., Konter, J., Lee, R., Pietsch, T., Tebo, B., Templeton, A.S., Zierenberg, R., and Young, C., 2006, Vailulu’u Seamount, Samoa: Life and Death on an Active Submarine Volcano. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,v.103, p. 6448-6453.
Trainor, T.P., Templeton, A.S., Eng, P.J., 2006, Structure and reactivity of environmental interfaces: Application of grazing-angle x-ray spectroscopy and long-period x-ray standing waves. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, v. 150, p. 66-85
Tebo, B.M., Templeton, A.S., Johnson, H.A., McCarthy, J., 2005, Geomicrobiology of Mn(II)-biomineralization. Trends in Microbiology,v. 13, 421-428.
Brown, G.E. Jr.,Templeton, A.S., Catalano, J. G., Trainor, T.P., Bostick, B., Kendelewicz, T., Doyle, C.S., Morin, G. Juillot, F., Calas, G., 2005, Environmental interfaces, heavy metals and microbes: Applications of XAFS spectroscopy to environmental science, Physica Scripta T115, p. 80-87.
Templeton, A.S., Staudigel, H., Tebo, B.M., 2005, Diverse Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria isolated from submarine basalts at Loihi Seamount Geomicrobiology Journal, v. 22, p. 129-137.
Templeton, A.S., Trainor, T.P., Spormann, A.M., Brown, G.E., Jr., 2003, Selenium speciation at Burkholderia cepacia/Al2O3interfaces. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, v. 69, p. 3547-3557.
Templeton, A.S., Spormann, A.M., Brown, G.E. Jr., 2003, Speciation of Pb sorbed by B. cepacia/goethite composites. Environmental Science and Technology, v. 37, p. 2166-2172.
Templeton, A.S., Trainor, T.P., Spormann, A.M., Newville, M., Sutton, S.R., Dohnalkova, A., Gorby, Y., Brown, G.E., Jr., 2003, Sorption vs. biomineralization of Pb(II) within Burkholderia cepaciabiofilms. Environmental Science and Technology, v. 37, p. 300-307.
Trainor, T.P., Templeton, A.S., Parks, G.A., Brown, G.E. Jr., 2002, Application of the long-period x-ray standing wave approach to surface reactivity:Pb(II) Sorption at a-Al2O3/aqueous solution interfaces in the presence and absence of Se(VI).Langmuir, v. 18, p. 5782-5791.
Bhupathiraju, V.K., Krauter, P., Holman, H-Y. N., Conrad, M.E., Templeton, A.S., Hunt, J.R., Hernandez, M.R., Alvarez-Cohen, L., 2002. Assessment of in-situ bioremediation at a refinery waste-contaminated site and an aviation gasoline contaminated site. Biodegradation, v. 13, p. 79-90.
Templeton, A.S., Trainor, T.P., Traina, S.J., Brown, G.E. Jr., 2001, Pb(II) distributions at biofilm/metal-oxide interfaces. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, v. 98, p. 11897-11902.
Trainor, T.P., Fitts, J.P., Templeton, A.S., Grolimund, D.G., Brown, G.E. Jr., 2001, Grazing-incidence study of aqueous Zn(II) sorption on a-Al2O3single crystals. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, v. 244, p. 239-244.
Templeton, A.S., Trainor, T.P., Ostergren, J.D., Foster, A.L., Traina, S.J., Spormann, A., Brown, G.E. Jr., 1999, XAFS and XSW study of Pb sorbed to biofilms on a-Al2O3and a-Fe2O3surfaces. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, v. 6, p. 642-644.
Conrad, M.E., Templeton, A.S., Daley, P.F., Alvarez-Cohen, L., 1999, Seasonally-induced fluctuations in microbial production and consumption of methane derived from aged refinery wastes, Environmental Science and Technology, v.33, p. 3836-3844.
Conrad, M.E., Templeton, A.S., Daley, P.F., Alvarez-Cohen, L., 1999, Isotopic evidence for biological controls on the migration of petroleum hydrocarbons, Organic Geochemistry, v. 30, p. 843-859.
Templeton, A.S., Craw, D., Chamberlain, C.P., Koons, P.O., 1999, Near surface expression of an active mesothermal gold mineralizing system, New Zealand, Mineralium Deposita, v. 34, p. 163-172.
Templeton, A.S., Chamberlain, C.P., Koons, P.O., Craw, D., 1998, Stable isotopic evidence for tectonically driven mixing between midcrustal and surface-derived fluids during Recent uplift of the Southern Alps, New Zealand, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 154, p. 73-92. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0012-821X(97)00143-X
Koons, P.O, Upton, P., Craw, D., Templeton, A.S., Chamberlain, C.P., 1998, Fluid-flow during active oblique convergence; A Southern Alps model from mechanical and geochemical observations, Geology, v. 26, p. 159-162. doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(1998)
Templeton, A.S., Manske, J. H., Sweeney, J. F., Tilghman, J. F., Calhoun, S., Violich, A. Chamberlain, C. P., 1995, Fluids and the Heart Mountain Fault revisited, Geology,v. 23, no. 10, p. 929-932.